August 31, 2010

My First Zumba Class.....sort of...

Tonight I was able to teach Zumba at church for an activity for a lot of women.  It turned out awesome, not because of me....It was the BEST crowd of women! 

Thanks to all of you who participated.  You truly made it so much fun for me to teach.   I am really excited to start to teach on a regular basis at Defined Fitness!  Or for the girls at church??......

Anyway, I loved the crowd of over 50 women screaming and sweatin' and shakin those hips.

Thanks again and if you can, join me Thursday at 6:45 at Defined Fitness on Coors and Montano!

August 18, 2010

Lululemon Run: Cross Train Pullover

I am in love with Lululemon in general.  But this pullover really has me seeing hearts....

                   Lululemon Run Cross Train Pullover

Isn't it sooooo beautiful? really.