June 21, 2011

My New Family of 5!

Although I really DO NOT like odd numbers.....my new Family of five is going GREAT!
Its not the best picture of everyone, but its all I have right now of us all together!

Bath Time.

The best big brother and sister in the world! (well my world at least)

 Grandma came to visit for a week and we already miss her!
Me and my 3 crazy kids.

I feel VERY lucky, Sammy is a very mellow baby and really only cries when he is hungry or needs to mess his pants (and those are more like grunts ;)  Both of my other kiddos were NOT mellow kids, so I am LOVING this!

BUT that doesn't mean we get sleep, he still wakes up every 1.5 to 2 hrs to eat.  But we love his sweet, sweet personality!


jsturner1 said...

Congrats Kellie! He is handsome!!!

Unknown said...

You look SOOO good Kellie! Sammy is adorable too.

Stef said...

Oh! He is so cute! And you look great!!!